AntFileSplitter Homepage

Latest Release



A freeware text file splitting tool.

[AntFileSplitter Homepage] [Screenshots] [Help]


PayPal Donations and Patreon Supporters:

Click one of the following if you want to make a small donation to support the future development of this tool.

Older Versions

All previous releases of AntFileSplitter can be found at the following link. <*.exe> and <*> are for Windows. <*.dmg>, <*.zip> and <*.pkg> files are for Macintosh OS X. <*.tar.gz> files are for Linux.

User Support

Latest Help file

Discussion groups

Development Road Map

My current tentative plans.

Status Description
Under development
  • No plans at the moment.
Plans for 2018
and beyond
  • Your suggestions come here...

Citing/Referencing AntFileSplitter

Use the following method to cite/reference AntFileSplitter according to the APA style guide:

For example if you download AntFileSplitter 1.0.0, which was released in 2017, you would cite/reference it as follows: